Stewart Genealogy

Descendants of Benjamin STEWART

of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, and Michigan

1813 - 1896

This web site is devoted to Benjamin Stewart, his wife, Rachel Syers, and their descendants.

Benjamin was born around 1813 in Jersey City, New Jersey. Rachel was born in 1807, probably in Pennsylvania were they were probably married before 1840. Shortly before 1850 they moved to Steuben Co., New York where at least one of their younger children was born. From there they moved to Ottawa Co., Michigan where many of their descendants remain today.

Please take a moment to review the names in Benjamin's descendants in the Surname List or the Index of Names. If you are related, please contact me.

Table of Contents

Descendants of Benjamin STEWART Descendants of Benjamin STEWART
Surname List Surname List - A list of all surnames on this site
Name Index Index of Names - A list of all names on this site

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To contact us by mail:
Mr. Lynn E. Garn, Ph.D.
12210 Redwood Ct.
Woodbridge, VA 22192-1611
© Copyright, Lynn E. Garn, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 revised 2004. These Web Pages and Genealogy are copyrighted.
Last updated on 13 November 2008