HOME SURNAME LIST NAME INDEX EMAIL US CREDITS RESEARCH STANDARDS | Hunt GenealogyDescendants of Jacob HUNTof Massachusetts and West Virginia1754 - 1842Jacob was born in 1754 in Massachusetts. Hannah was born in 1757. They were married in 1780 in Braintree, Massachusetts. Jacob served in the Revolutionary War after which he and Hannah moved to French Creek, Virginia, which was in the part of Virginia that became West Virginia at the beginning of the Civil War. Some of their descendants stayed in Massachusetts. Others stayed in West Virginia. Still others moved to Ohio, then to Indiana, Michigan and elsewhere. Please take a moment to review the names of Jacob's descendants in the Surname List or the Index of Names. If you are related, please contact me. Table of ContentsDescendants of Jacob HUNTSurname List - A list of all surnames on this site Index of Names - A list of all names on this site You are visitor number 5770 to visit this page. To contact us by mail: Mr. Lynn E. Garn, Ph.D. 12210 Redwood Ct. Woodbridge, VA 22192-1611 © Copyright, Lynn E. Garn, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 revised 2004. These Web Pages and Genealogy are copyrighted. Last updated on 23 May 2007 |